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About Rated E for Epic

Hello world!  Welcome to Rated E for Epic, a blog primarily dedicated to rants about awesome video games of all sorts and animation.  In this blog, I hope to spread some love for video games that have awesome storylines, beautiful art, clever concepts, or ridiculously fun gameplay (this part is important!).  Here you will find tips, opinions, critiques, random pictures, and lots of ranting all dedicated to video games.  However, there is one area that I lack severely in: first person shooter games.  To make up for this area (and possibly other games I may not be particularly interested in), I will be having another writer come in to rant about them.  Hooray for teamwork!

Now you might be wondering about that "animation" part I mentioned.  I consider myself a future animator (ideally for a video game) and have a great interest in animated works, so as animated films and series are released, I will blog about them as well.  My main targets are American animated works, but I also love Japanese animation AKA anime.  However, I barely have time for anime and might get another writer to post about it.  To tell you the truth, in the future there may be all sorts of writers for this blog in the future.  Who knows?  Stay tuned!

I will also sometimes post my drawings and pretty random stuff that I feel is blog-worthy.  Rest assured, I will try to keep these entries as interesting as possible!  

NOTE: Please don't harp about my use of the word "epic" in this blog's title.  I promise not to spam the word all over this blog because I too get annoyed when people use "epic" excessively. :]

Hopefully this blog will get off the ground sometime in the near future!

~ WaterRise